I was talking to my boss and his wife (his boss and also mine ;) ) who runs the Snoqualmie Valley Master Gardeners website here on Weebly. I helped her with getting her SEO stuff working and in the process I complained about the problems I was having with linking and stuff. She took pity on me and showed me what I was doing wrong (as you can see by the links above).
Turns out, I was over-thinking it. When I write, it's usually in a Notepad editor I popped up when inspiration got to burning, and I've been doing HTML so long I just automatically add the stuff when I'm writing. When I tried to paste that into here it ate it's shorts. However, if I do this like normal humans do and write the text and and then go back and add the links via their toolbar, magic happens, and there's an end. Now all I have to do is get back on schedule, and pull a bunch of links out of that text so I can get the offending entry in here. Comments are closed.
October 2020