While the computers are chugging away at various work-tasks this morning, I've been trying to do a Sisyphean task -- get my Linkdin profile up to date.
I'm not out looking for work or anything. My company has just launched a major product, and shifted all the gears. And one of the tasks involved in that launch was for all of us to update our online stuff. But for me it's a little more complicated. I'm weird in this business in that I've been in the same position for over 12 years. No big company changes, just steady work. So updating my resume/CV and keeping all that up was way, way down on the totem pole in terms of what was getting done. We've been hip-deep in a "transformative product change" for the last three years and I haven't been able to touch bottom, even with a long pole. So having one line-item in there representing that long a time looks really weird. I didn't join LinkdIn for business reasons. My monster-in-law joined because someone else told her she should she didn't really understand what it was and she'd decided to use me as her guinea pig. She figured out very quickly this wasn't for a retired master florist, but I ended up keeping the account and at least built the profile out. The headshot I used was taken under duress by my former boss like 7 years ago when she insisted on putting pictures in the org chart to help our remote colleagues have faces to go with the emails. I have connected with some people, but it's not a work-only thing. If I go through my suggested connections list, I have to play a little game with myself and figure out where I know these people from. I can pretty much filter out Rando Calrissian the PR/HR wonk and their ilk, but I still have a lot of options left. Is that a GWJ person, a church person, an Enforcer, a game industry person, or like an actual like professional contact? Reading through those lists it turns out I have run around potting aliens and zombies online with some really high-powered people. And I guess I better get the homework done on making myself look good up there, too. So I need to talk to my bosses again and make sure they understand that my network isn't going to look like the rest of them. We spent the night here last night, and were awakened by the bleary light of an east-facing window, the sound of birds, and the crashes and bangs from the construction site next door. As you can see, Cleo is still not over-fond of the concept of a day with two 6 o'clocks in it. ;) I'm titling that picture "East-facing Window, Monday Morning". There was going to be another picture of her carrying out her usual morning routine of digging me out from under the covers then rooting around under there like she's going to find treasure or something. I was going to entitle it "Dignity, Always Dignity" but it turned out to be a hopeless muddled blur of waggling backside and duvet. Not enough Photoshop in the world to fix that. I do have coffee, and I even found a cup to put it in. The box I'd opened thinking it held the cups I'd packed up for just this eventuality actually turned out to contain my great-aunt's Depression glass. That won't work. Luckily, in the random desk-dreck box I found an artsy cup a friend gave me years ago for babysitting his cat and that got me through until I could go figure out what I did with the cups I intended to be using. D'oh. I've got my computers setup on a folding table backed up into my kitchen island. it looks like I'm trying to launch my kitchen into orbit or something with all the monitors and cords strung around. This whole mess will be moving into it's actual future space this evening when my real desk arrives. This is a good thing. Because I am having a dreadful time focusing on my work when right behind my screens I can see five or six home setup projects (and at least two home improvement projects). Once I get my desk over to it's new locale I should be able to think a bit more clearly. I've got three different To-Do lists (house, work, Easter) going at once here to attempt to calm the face of the waters. My younger son goes on Saturday. I'm worried about him, and about my monster-in-law. I'm not worried about the two of them together. She has a sad liking for rogues, and they actually get along the best of any of my kids. And she needs the help. But I still worry about the whole rest of the situation around him up there. The problems of living rural and out at the very End of the Road are no joke. That way of living is right up his alley, but he's also got the lowest defenses against it's pitfalls. My roommate spent several hospital visits finding out she has developed COPD and has now had to move in with her daughter. My younger son is moving to Alaska. My dayjob is still taking up more time than actually is included in any given day. And I'm moving. I've got Easter dinner to plan, the Easter bunny to frame for it. I'm swamped. ;)
Seriously, a whole lot of work and effort over the last several months is all coming into focus here in the next couple weeks. It's terrifying and wonderful, all at once. Tonight we're doing St. Patrick's Day dinner (everyone was WAY too busy with their own work and life yesterday). This is the last time for a while here that I'm going to have all the kids in one place. And we've kicked it off properly. Corned beef and all the fixin's are cooking. I need to go finish prepping the cabbage and peeling the potatoes for the colcannon. There's the first parts of a tipsy trifle in the oven (that's a chocolate fudge Guinness cake cut into cubes, then layered with rum-touched clotted cream and whiskey whipped cream. Fun will be had by all. Which is good, because it's prep for all hands helping me move all weekend. |
October 2020