Was looking for something on Pintrest, and ran into a couple pieces of wisdom to share.
"You can't always control who walks into your life, but you can control which window you throw them out of." "Why is it called beauty sleep when you wake up looking like a troll?" "Be with someone who ruins your lipstick, not your mascara." Well... that exceeds even my large RDA of quasi-mawkish bumperstickers, so I'll leave it at that. ;) You may note that I've got a Twitter feed widget working again (yes, I know they fixed that like a year ago but also remember my work schedule at the Daily Planet).
Well, there's a reason for that, and a bunch of other changes you're hopefully going to be seeing here soon. I'm not going to list them out now because frankly I don't know what they all are yet. But things have got to change in my life, and this place is going to be a big part of that. In the meantime, it's back to re-arranging the furniture around here. Don't worry, the deck-chairs are all already in place. ;) We live in a world of sound-bytes and bumperstickers, so sometimes it's hard to find the scattered bits of wisdom afloat in all the froth. I ran into a particularly nice vein of it lately, and here's a couple:
You learn how much you don't know when a kid starts asking you questions. I'm getting real tired of your shirt, AutoCorrect! Biologists take cell-fies. Dum Dum Suckers are the greatest truth in advertising message there is. Because if you eat those things you are dumb, and if you believe they are the flavor on the outside of the wrapper you are a sucker. |
October 2020