I'm not happy. I'm finding some rather odd limitations on this website. For some reason, there is no obvious or good way to put links in the text of these entries. For that matter, all HTML renders in clear instead of as browser objects.
I sent a request for help, but I don't know how that's going to go. This is kind of a dealbreaker. Workaday Blues....
I'm stuck here at work (duh duh duh duh duh) And I can't play my game (duh duh duh duh duh) My servers are screamin' (duh duh duh duh duh) My kids are a pain (duh duh duh duh duh) But I'll get to play soon! (duh duh duh duh duh) One more day to go! (duh duh duh duh duh) 'Cause it's Friday all day here (duh duh duh duh duh) And tomorrow's my show! (duh duh duh duh duh) (with apologies to BBKing) These aren't at my current job, but these are things I learned from previous positions:
-- Marketing buzzwords. I cannot and will not "synergize" anything. Thinking outside the box means I'm going home. Though I did once earn $10 bucks on a game of Buzzword Bingo in a meeting when I got a double bingo from a gal particularly prone to using these sorts of constructions, and she did it in one paragraph. -- Professional writers who don't know how to use their word processor of choice. I'm not talking about the fiddly weird features the software has dotting it's pallid underbelly. I'm talking about the differences between a template file and a document file. To really make it tragic, these bozos were writing the Help files for said software. -- Review loops. I love QC, don't get me wrong. But if it has enough steps and recursions to be called a "loop", something's just plain not right there. Unless your goal is to make sure nothing ever actually gets done. I worked in a place that required a document to go through 15 people's review before it could be published. They would contradict each other and have arguments in the edits. By the time you got it back, those redlines were a whole new level of screwed up. Then once you'd navigated the maze of changes, it had to go through the whole thing again. In the eight weeks I was working on that particular project we had 1 file out of over 900 that made it through the process the first time. -- Staff meetings. Particularly those run by dotted-line managers who don't know anything about how to accomplish the actual tasks required for the current project. So instead of a schedule that makes sense and can be actually implemented, you waste an hour or so every week watching them try to nail soup to a tree and explaining to them why the soup they nailed up there last week isn't there anymore. Then there are the ones who add insult to injury by then requiring that you type out and then email back to them this week's recipe afterwards to help them prepare to chase the drips next week. That's their nod to efficiency. Still at this whole design-thing. Though I think this is enough better to start calling it prime time. We'll see.
October 2020