It's Quiz Night, so just a quick roundup.
-- I'm trying to catch up with the times, user interface tools-wise, as I'm working on what I want to do with this space as I make my changes. Before I even get to actual new code, I've stumbled on a different issue. I've found I hate the "new" look & feel I'm being told is what everyone wants. I'm not talking about my personal fondness for a given color or what have you - I'm talking about functionality. They're difficult to navigate, they bury information in stupid ways, and are so information-sparse as to be useless. I will write up my concerns in more detail as I think this through in my own-right. There's got to be a way to design that makes a better compromise between the bigger grain of the touch-interface and the rest of the computing world. -- We have our first introduction class to the SnoCo Maker Space on Saturday. We're going to get the low-down on the new large-format laser-cutter. I've already chosen a project to print off once it's done. I found a pattern for a small rigid-heddle table loom that looks like an awesome starting point. Comments are closed.
October 2020