I know it's been a long while. There have been a lot of changes, but a lot of things are pretty much the same.
Is too long. Let me sum up. My elder daughter just got married. My younger son is going to go to school to be an underwater welder. My elder son works in facilities maintenance at the apartment complex, and my younger daughter is still happily married to her high school sweetheart. They all live here in the same complex I do. My mom's cancer came back, and she's finishing up a round of radiation and chemo. As for me, I still work in the same place, but I've been working on a project that basically took all the time there was since February (note the date of the last post. ;) ) I won't say that it's totally responsible for my shortchanging this place, but it certainly didn't help. Now I'm trying to get my life going again after the holidays, the wedding, and getting Phase 1 of that project shipped. As far as writing goes, I opened my yap and have to put my money where my mouth is. I made a comment on several current popular novels and basically was challenged to see if I could write something better in the same genre. So romance and vampires it is. No sparkles, though. It's actually been an interesting challenge. The tropes are easy ones, and in some ways writing it has felt more like taking dictation. We'll see how it goes. So now we start again. A new look, a new year, and hopefully a better track record for posting. Comments are closed.
October 2020